
This will by no means be a catch-all spiritual article. I will merely be attempting to put into words some of the lessons I have learned in the past year. First of all, YOU are an individual Son of the Living God. You are a unique expression of the life of God, and you have…

Jesus is Real

It is commonly said that “Jesus died to forgive your sin,” but why do I care? What does that mean today? In a society where Jesus increasingly seems irrelevant, what does it mean that Jesus took my sin? The Bible teaches us that death, sickness (slow death), poverty, and every kind of evil came into…

Joy in the Morning

My dear son who I love, came downstairs this morning as I was reading. This was his first appearance in new day. My greeting to him was “Hi sweetheart, how are you?” Then I heard His (God’s voice) speaking deep within: “You express love for your family in many words of endearment- each uniquely for…

Love is Life

“Love, the opposite of hate, is life. Love engenders hope and life. How many times a day do you stimulate new action by your Love? Love is also a healing oil which soothes and calms and brings peace to the suffering heart. It is the direct antidote of hate.”-Lanyon