Send Portions to One Another

This morning I read about how the Jews in the time of Queen Esther were experiencing a difficult time that seemed certain to conclude in their destruction. Haman, the enemy of the Jews, had been experiencing growing favor with the king, and had succeeded in obtaining permission to try to exterminate them as a race…

Letter of Love

There is a movement underway in which people are writing “love letters” to friends, relatives and total strangers. The object is to lift depression, bring encouragement, to bring healing and peace to those in need. It is a wonderful, God-inspired movement, because God is love. Join the movement, and pass it on. We at Lilies…


This will by no means be a catch-all spiritual article. I will merely be attempting to put into words some of the lessons I have learned in the past year. First of all, YOU are an individual Son of the Living God. You are a unique expression of the life of God, and you have…


The Echinacea flower is one that has slipped my attention in our gardens until recently. It is an herb, or a plant that dies to the ground every year, and reproduces from its own seeds, which fall in the fall. This plant has a hearty green stem with long, skinny, hairy leaves and is not…

Jesus is Real

It is commonly said that “Jesus died to forgive your sin,” but why do I care? What does that mean today? In a society where Jesus increasingly seems irrelevant, what does it mean that Jesus took my sin? The Bible teaches us that death, sickness (slow death), poverty, and every kind of evil came into…

Lilies’ Fall Catalog

Hello all, Lilies of the Field, Inc. has published its fall catalog! If you love gardens, flowers, or just creative artwork give this a look-see. The cover (front and back) is comprised of photos of our own gardens, from which come all of Jane’s beautiful creations. The catalog is featuring our ability to customize Thank…

The Sustainable Resource

As I see it, we have this incredible Power Source within us – the Spirit of God- constantly renewing, energizing, supplying, permeating – ALL we need to sustain us in every way. He is the only REAL RESOURCE! Sustaining all by the word of His power.